Ear problems boy 3 years/Oorproblemen jongen 4 jaar
Our son had problems with his ears since he was 2 years old. He was scratching his ear all the time, knocking his head, didn´t sleep well and on the emotional level his mood was changeable, very shy and introverted. We first went to the KNO docter in hospital but that didn-t help and we didn´t want to do surgery right away but looked for another solution. That´s how we found Janny-Innergy homeopathie. After the first remedy our son sleeped very well and was eating better. Also his emotional state changed into a happy and more extroverted, social boy. After a few times also his health of his ears improved and we just visited the KNO doctor for the last time last week and they had great news! They said that our son is still very healthy, we don´t have to come back anymore and his hearing improved from 30% loss into a normal hearing, thank you so much for your help!!